Thursday, October 11, 2012

Today we wandered over to Tati's for an activity. We were supposed to go get snow cones but the kids ended up finding so many things to do that I didn't see a need to interupt them. Alice set up shop in the little house and started having a little tea party. She insisted that I go in and sit with her in the kids chair. It was a tight squeeze but totally worth it. Alice and I had our fist tea party! Mommy daughter milestone. Hooray!

Meanwhile in sports land junior pro golfer Jude has turned up on the scene. He was really impressing me with some of his swings. He was getting some ligitimate air. He was taking it all very seriously. This was no game for him. He would set down the ball and really carefully set himself before taking a massive swing.  Now I jut need to teach him to yell  "FORE"

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