Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pumpking carving! We let the kids pick there own pumpkins and everything. Our whole family went with sort of a oval theme it seems. Then I asked the kids and they designed their own pumpkins. They picked the eyes, and expression, everything. Well almost everything. As much as they wanted to do it themselves I handled the carving. I also helped with the scooping. Alice didn't mind getting right in there but Jude was feeling a little hesitant. I got a big hunk of pumpkin goo and shoved it into his hands. Oh I got in trouble. He did not like that. So in penance I finished cleaning out the rest of his pumpkin for him. We were carving well into the night and by the time we finished it was the perfect time to light them up. The kids were so excited. Still everytime we go out the door they have to go and look at their pumpkins. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

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