Sunday, January 30, 2011

Trying to be like his daddy wearing daddy's funny shoes!Wait a minute...this looks really familiar.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

We were helping my mom clean some dirt out of her yard and Jude was being the best helper. It was so cute to see him with his little purple shovel. He was going to be just as big and just as helpful as the rest of us, or so he thought. Everytime he would lift his shovel full of dirt to go into the bin he would just dump it all over himself. At first it was getting into his eyes and mouth so he learned quick to keep his head down whenever he was lifting, getting dirt all up in his hair. Oh well, he was trying to be a contributing family member which is just the best!

More helping!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why do we have kids again? And once we have them how do they make it to adult hood? Ok, I'm just kidding I love my kids but sometimes they are just asking for it. Like today. I had literally just finished vacuuming, and I mean literally. I was in the other room putting the vacuum back in the closet and Jude had dumped a tub of cream of tartar on the floor. Where did he find that? I have never used cream of tartar in my life, I didn't even know I owned it. At first I got mad and put him in time out. I went to go get the hand vacuum and thought..."I didn't make this mess, Jude did. He should clean it up." So I fetched him out of timeout and gave him the vacuum and put him to work. I do love my kiddos and this was a good oppurtunity for a real life lesson. You break fix it.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Every once and a terrible while Jude refuses to take a nap and just turns into a mess. He has melt downs, and tantrums and he is so sad about everything. Well today was one of those days. He was crying and making us all crazy. We set him up in his chair to see if a full tummy would help alleviate some of his frustration. I went to go and get a drink in the kitchen and poor Jude was gone. Head to toe in pasta sauce and out like a light. So cute!

Here we are playing on the rocks! Right when I started filming Alice got super upset so we had to leave, which made Jude super upset. Sometimes you just can't win. Oh well, this video is prettty much a win. Cute Jude-man.

There is this dirt field with all these big rocks in it. I don't know why I have never stopped there before but I did today and Jude loved it. We climbed all over the rocks and jumped up and down and had a ball. Duckets was just going nutso and running all over with Jude chasing behind. We had such a good time.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Here is our princess princess(our nickname for her) in all her wonderfulness. MY 3 MONTH OLD! I just can't account for all the time that has just flown by. It feels like we just brought her home from the hospital, and yet it feels like we have never lived a day without her. Strange how life takes on a certain duality. She is so gorgeous and makes our lives magical. Her favorite things are baby yoga, her daddy (he gets all the smiles), and she is working really hard on talking. I can sit down with her and she will just start cooing away. She is already sleeping through the night and only cries when she is hungry. She is so patient and kind, especially when it comes to being my dress up doll. Love you ALice, keep doing your best and growing up so wonderfully!

Backyardigans step aside. Jude's new favorite show is the Muppet show, (which is fantastic because it is one of our favorites too). He gets it every night after bath time and this is his routine. We get him all dry and PJ-ed and then he pulls up a chair and will happily sit and watch as many episodes as we let him. He is constantly asking for muppet show and will do anything to get it. He often starts his day asking for muppet show. He has even levied his injuries for it. He will fall down or bonk his head and when we go to comfort him he starts in "Mu-show, Mu-show." Little cutie pie scam artist.

I walked in to get Jude up from nap time and well...these pictures expain themselves. Or maybe they have no explanation, or maybe the explanation is that kids are just ginormous adorable goofballs who are in a constant endeavor to make themselves naked.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

They are redoing our second floor landing and they are starting from scratch. They ripped evrything up and out and before they ripped up the last couple boards they knocked on our door and said. Do you want to be trapped in or trapped out. We decided to be trapped out and scampered out for some pictures. Pretty cool!

Jude was sleeping for such a long time that I went to go check on him. This is the silly sight I saw. A very sad picture of Duckets waiting to be picked up from my moms back yard. So pitiful.
It snowed! How much fun because it snowed! It is so rare for it to snow, and even more rare for it to stick. I ran Jude outside and he was so entranced. We played and played and played! He was having so much fun that he threw a fit when he had to come inside. Love the snow!
Alice was napping in her chair, in the middle of the living room looking very cute. Since she was in the middle of the living room she was also in the middle of the house comotion. We must have been bugging her because she started making all these faces. My cutie Ali-boo doing grumpy napping.