Wednesday, October 24, 2012

We started the day getting everyone together at Tati's house, and just getting messy. The boys played in the mud and the girls went and had tea parties. I got the canvases ready by taping off their names then I let them paint. They were all getting very creative with use of color and tools. Some kids were using brushes, some fingers, and Jude even drove a truck over his painting. Some of the adults had to chip in and help a bit. They were quite big canvases. While we were letting those dry we were on to another activity. Andrea had come up with this really neat "science experiment" involving baking soda and colored vinegar. She spread lots of baking soda in a cookie sheet and then let the kids spray colors on to it. It made a really fun porus design in addition to being a great foamy mess. Some of the kids were even brave enough to taste it. Ollie and Jude didn't think to much of it but Alice was quite fond of it. Wierd kid. At least she will have whiter teeth.
Next was the best part of any party, THE CAKE!! And in keeping with the theme I brought out a completley white cake and let the kids decorate it. I had 10 different types of sprinkles and the kids went nuts. Before too long we couldn't even see cake. But all the better because that cake was scrumptious. After that Tati brought out the crayons and let us go to town on her wall. She was going to bust it down sometime soon to open up the house so why not. The kids really enjoyed this naughty activity, although they were having a rough time staying on the designated wall. Little sneaks did it right in front of our eyes. After that we did presents. Alice did really well at first but then she got so side tracked by the open presents that she didn't care much for the unopened ones. The older kids helped to open them for her and woah did Alice make out like a bandit! Happy two year old birthday baby girl!

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