Look at this Super cute girly. She is covered in sour cream and looking so cute.
Monday, April 30, 2012
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEREK!!! Derek's actual birthday was on a Monday which in adult terms means super busy. So I decided to take Derek out to his favorite resturant the Saturday before his birthday. This is us just being silly and fun. We are just such a cute couple of kids!
Then Derek and I went inside our car and had our "cake." It was a peanut buttercup(Derek's favorite) complete with candle. I gave Derek his present (a booksmart book of sentimental value I had been working on since January!) All in all it was pretty fun for an adult birthday. We love you Derek!!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
BEES!!! BEES!! SO MANY BEES! The kids and I were out recycling and we saw an oddity of nature that we couldn't resist getting up close and dangerous with. There were so many bees. I have never seen them do something like this and I have no idea what they were up o but they were dedicated. They weren't going to move for anyone. The bees were kind of creepy but what really scared me was how close Jude and Alice were willing to get. They have no fear. Luckily no one got stung and it was just a super cool random wonder.

UGH!!!! This is probably one of the most boneheaded thing I have ever done. Ok so here is the story. I found a recipe for home made laundry deterget online and thought I would give it try. You are suppose to disolve a bunch of ingredients in a pot and then let it sit overnight. I had done the first step, or at least I thought I had. I saw that it hadn't quite disolved yet. It was time for bed so I decided to turn the heat back on while I was brushing teeth and what not and then turn it off before I went to bed. yeah....that last part never happened. I left it on ALL NIGHT...ugh! It made such a mess. SUCH A MESS! It fell down into the elements, and then flooded that and dripped into the oven. Soap everywhere!When I woke up in the morning it was the first thing I smelled. So much swearing. I used all the swears, every last one. I should have put all that soap in my mouth but I was so mad at myself. And this stuff was a *beep* to clean up. It had boiled over and hardened durig the night. It took me almost 2 hours to get it off. Not since that oven was purchased from the store has it been this clean. UGH!!! 

More Easter fun to be had. It is quickly becoming one of my favorite holidays as a mommy. It's a reason to bring everyone together for food, family, fun, and some wierd, crazy, yet wholey enjoyable and delightful game. We went over to my moms house again this year. It's the perfect place for it with all it's little stations. Sanbox, garde, patio, etc. The kids had a really good time. Angie and I went over board again, but all in the name of a good time. All the kids got it right of the bat. Putting eggs inthe basket no problem. Although Alice thought shehit the jack pot when she found a football. She was super excited and I wasn't about to say a thing. ALso about 3/4 of the way through the hunt poor Jude's basket bottom fell out. Eggs everywhere. We were laughing for quite awhile. Jude just saw it as an oppurtunity to start checking what was in the eggs. It was a great Easter!
I got crafty this year and made each of the kids a bunny. Aren't they cute! I am quite proud of them.

HAPPY EASTER!!! We have a 9 Oclock church so I waited until we got home from church to have our Easter celebration. I drove home while Derek kindly walked the kids home. I frantically put together our suprise. A trail of candies from the door to the back yard. I gave each of the kids a cup to put their candies into but who was I kidding. They had to eat every single candy. Derek and I helped them along, to the big suprise.

What a wonderful surprise. From Grandma Rose and Grandpa John we got an Easter egg hunt in the mail. The kids were so excited to figure out what was in that box. We opened it up and there were packing peanuts(our favorite) a plenty. A side for Alice and a side for Jude, as they are diggint in it and they find out there are treats to be found they really got excited. I made Jude wait till ALice got a fair had start and I think it was one of the hardest things he had to do in his young life. When he could wait no more I let him go and it was a free for all. They had such a good time finding all the eggs and putting them in the bowls. 
Just because they had found all the eggs didn't mean the fun was over for these two. There was a box to be played with, full of packing peanuts. They had a really good time that only kids and boxes can. Thanks so much Grandma and Grandpa! Happy Easter!

Just because they had found all the eggs didn't mean the fun was over for these two. There was a box to be played with, full of packing peanuts. They had a really good time that only kids and boxes can. Thanks so much Grandma and Grandpa! Happy Easter!

It was conference weekend, inbetween sessions and the kids were full of wiggles. We had been lazing around the house for a good majority of the morning so we kicked everyone outside. Luckily I had purchased a spur of the moment kite and it was a VERY windy day. After about 4 or 5 attempt we were able to get the kite in the air. The kids were stunned that something could just be up in the air. They each needed a turn to hold the kite. It had been forever since I had done this and it was way over due. So much fun! 

Sunday, April 1, 2012
I have been wanting to do this for so long and suprise to me I found it for free! Angie, Derek, and I have been waiting with baited with bated breath for the release of the movie hunger games. They were having a promotion at the theatre and off we went. They had rock climbing, face painting, paintball, and bows and arrows. We only had time to do a couple things so we hit up the photobooth and the bows and arrows. We had such a good time and they even let the kids shoot a couple of arrows. Such a treat!

I have a horrible accidental habit of making booze. I fill up strange bottles with juice, drink half of it, and then forget about the rest. I usually fill up old bottles with lids so that the kids don't spill it and it will get pushed under this or that. One time I even made a bomb! I did my same horrible thing but somehow the bottle had gotten pushed way under my bed and was there for who knows how long. It was 3 oclock in the morning in the dead of summer when Derek and I are roused by a loud BOOM! (well Derek kept sleeping, I woke up like a shot) I woke him up and sarted investigating what it was and when I stepped out of bed the carpet was wet. The whole room smelled like a bar. I look under my bed and there is sports bottle shrapnel everywhere. We had to move the entire bed and soak it up with towels. It was pretty bad. I have learned my lesson for the most part, but every once in awhile I will do it again. On this day I saw Jude drinking this pink drink and the wierd thing was it was fizzing. Really bad fizzing. So I grabbed it and smelled it and sure enough.Fermented, who knows how old juice, was in that bottle. So I grabbed it and told him he couldn't have it and he uttered that funniest thing!
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