Tuesday, February 28, 2012

So here I go again with my sensory tubs, except this one is more of a fine motor skills activity and it was a hit! I went to the dollar store and got a pack of pom-poms. I put them in a bowl, got some spoons and a muffin tin and let the kids go at it. They quickly figured out that they were supposed to transfer the pom-poms to the muffin tins. They really enjoyed it and it kept them busy for a long time. I let Alice free style it but I gave Jude specific instructions like "grab all the green ones" or "find me 3 purples." It was a good way to practice colors and numbers as well as fine motor skills. Towards the end they just began to dump and gather, dump and gather. This is one that I have done a couple times and they really enjoy it.

1 comment:

Rob O said...

That is such a great idea!