Fun fun day. There is a super cool park that I had never been to before that I thought would be fun to go to. It had all sorts of crazy contraptions that I had never seen at a Saint George park before. I skateboard simulator, a rock wall, a rope bridge, and a huge seesaw that was more like a set of scales. I wasn't sure if the kids would be old enough to enjoy themselves but I was so wrong. We must have been there for 3 hours. And the adults had just as much if not more fun then the kids. Angie and I really got going on the scales. We were having a blast and even though we could have stayed on it all day there was a line of kids forming so we let them take a turn.
There was a decent sized hill there and I had bought some iceblocks so we could go sleeding. SOOO MUCH FUN!!!! I wasn't sure how it would work but it worked great! We had so much fun and everyone kept going up and down and up and down till we were just tuckered. The one draw back was that we all had soggy butts from the melting ice but it was so worth it. After that we had a lovley picnic at the top of the hill and then more of everything. A great great day.

It looked like fun. Alice sure enjoyed itHa,ha.
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