So here I go again with my sensory tubs, except this one is more of a fine motor skills activity and it was a hit! I went to the dollar store and got a pack of pom-poms. I put them in a bowl, got some spoons and a muffin tin and let the kids go at it. They quickly figured out that they were supposed to transfer the pom-poms to the muffin tins. They really enjoyed it and it kept them busy for a long time. I let Alice free style it but I gave Jude specific instructions like "grab all the green ones" or "find me 3 purples." It was a good way to practice colors and numbers as well as fine motor skills. Towards the end they just began to dump and gather, dump and gather. This is one that I have done a couple times and they really enjoy it.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
So here I go again with my sensory tubs, except this one is more of a fine motor skills activity and it was a hit! I went to the dollar store and got a pack of pom-poms. I put them in a bowl, got some spoons and a muffin tin and let the kids go at it. They quickly figured out that they were supposed to transfer the pom-poms to the muffin tins. They really enjoyed it and it kept them busy for a long time. I let Alice free style it but I gave Jude specific instructions like "grab all the green ones" or "find me 3 purples." It was a good way to practice colors and numbers as well as fine motor skills. Towards the end they just began to dump and gather, dump and gather. This is one that I have done a couple times and they really enjoy it.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Here is a clip from our pirate party. We had already gone through the string maze, jumped into the bottomlesspit(over the wall onto the mattress) across the river(blue towel and pots and pans) throught the tunnel, sloved the letter clue, searched throught the telescopes, followed the golden trail, and here we are at the treasure. The kids were so into it and so excited.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Here is Jude singing his current favorite song "I love to see the temple."
Incase you don't know the real words it's I love to see the temple. I'm going there some day. To feel the Holy Spirit to listen and to Pray. For the temple is a house of God a place of Love and beauty. I'll prepare myself while I am young, this is my sacred Duty.
Now that you know the words it is even cuter to watch Jude the Jude version of the song.