Friday, July 22, 2011

This is don't water your sister part 2, revenge of the muddy! We have a section of dirt in our yard where we ran out of sod and we just never got more. So it was a nice little out cropping of nothing and one day Jude gets the hose turns it into a mud pit. Then, and I saw this but couldn't get a picture of it, Jude picks up his sister from where she was playing, and plops her in the mud. At first she tried to crawl out and Jude picked her up again and plopped her in the mud again. At that point she thought maybe she could have some fun and began to splash and play and get VERY dirty. Jude just walked around on the outside for a good while. Unwilling to get it but eventually he couldn't resist and jumped into the mud himself. They got so messy and dirty and had a great time doing it.

1 comment:

Angie said...

She is so precious!! Got to love mud monsters.