ALice and Daddy playing a silly face bash game, only Alice isn't finished and wants more.
Friday, July 22, 2011
This is don't water your sister part 2, revenge of the muddy! We have a section of dirt in our yard where we ran out of sod and we just never got more. So it was a nice little out cropping of nothing and one day Jude gets the hose turns it into a mud pit. Then, and I saw this but couldn't get a picture of it, Jude picks up his sister from where she was playing, and plops her in the mud. At first she tried to crawl out and Jude picked her up again and plopped her in the mud again. At that point she thought maybe she could have some fun and began to splash and play and get VERY dirty. Jude just walked around on the outside for a good while. Unwilling to get it but eventually he couldn't resist and jumped into the mud himself. They got so messy and dirty and had a great time doing it.

This Saturday we went to go feed the ducks! There were some very appreciative ducks who were just so excited for us to be feeding them. There were even some baby ducks(more like teenager ducks) that were very cute. All the boys were doing a great job of ripping up the breaand throwing it. But my dear Jude was trying to hand feed the ducks and almost feel into the gross pond about 15 times. 
We also did a little bit of fishing. Brian is going on a fishing/camping trip with the boy scouts so he has been practicing. It was kind of fun to see the fish get all close and think about biting but then swim away, but then come back and think about it then BITE! I caught a fish on my first try, I felt really good about it, but he was alittle guy so I let him go. Derek caught a cute little fish that we also had to send back. Brian was lucky enough(or unlucky enough if you were the fish) to get a big one. Way to go Brian.

Sunday, July 17, 2011
My baby is 9 months old. I cannot believe what a gorgeous beautiful girl she is growing up to be! And whooda thunk but my princess is starting to stand! It is hard to see because of course whenever a camea is present the very thing you are trying to capture is gone but in the picture with Derek's legs she is standing without support. Derek is an inch or two behind her to catch her if she falls but that is all Alice. She is just so big!

Them kookie asians! One of my favorite activites in the whole wide world is to go to the giant China market that is in Midvale. I can spend hours and hours in there reading labels and trying to figure out what exactly is in my hand. It is like a zoo but for food. I love it so much. Angie and Jan were good sports and came with me, and we found all sorts of crazy things. We found a can of fried gluten, a huge circle of seaweed that looked like a monster loofah, a giant prickley fruit called a jack fruit, a wok big enough to sit in, a doughnut peach(which was yummy), a bannana blossom, a variety of strange roots, and a bag of jelly fish. There were all sorts of other things of note. Octopus flavored potato chips, squid jerky, purple yam jam, green twinkies(they were pandan flavored, whatever that is), all sorts of goodies! It makes sense that if you live on the other side of the world that you have other ingredients. We even bought some to taste test. It was so much fun! And now we have some new favorites. Calpico is so yummy. It is this yogurt soda, yan yans are biscuit sticks dipped in icing, hello pandas are choloate filled cookies with adorable little cartoon pandas on them. Also it is just fun to read all of the english on the packages. One box of rice cakes had the slogan. "Sweet and yummy like an innocent world." I love Asains!

Saturday, July 16, 2011
Holy Crap It's my 300 post! And I have about 300 pictures in this one to. Ok so not really but itis a big one, so big that I had to chop it in thirds, so more fun to come. But this last Friday marked the end of the Harry Potter era. Angie, Jan, and I are HUGE HUGE HUGE Harry Potter fans and so we weren't going to let this go by without some sort of something. Luckily for us Angie's in laws are also huge fans and were going to throw a Potter party. We knew this wasn't something to miss so we abandoned our families for a couple days (our husbands were so kind and caring to let us do this and to realize that this was a big deal for us, thank you so much!) and drove up to Salt Lake. We got there a littlr early so we could help set up for the party. We had Kings Cross Station platform 9 3/4 which was the entrance.
I bought a funny tabloid and chaged the cover so it could be the Quibbler, I also found some glasses that very much looked like Luna's Spectrespecs.
I bought a funny tabloid and chaged the cover so it could be the Quibbler, I also found some glasses that very much looked like Luna's Spectrespecs.
A wand making station.
The Hogwarts house tables to sit at once you got sorted
he he he, I went out and bought a life size Harry Potter. He ended up being the photo opt of the party.
Here we are getting sorted into our houses. (By the way they made their own sorting hat them crafty little devils) I got Hufflepuff, Angie got Griffindor, and Jan got Ravenclaw.

Then we did a lap around the quidditch pitch!

Coming through Kings cross Station! So excited to be at Hogwarts!

We put our names into theGoblet of Fire later on for a prize drawing.

Pulling names out of the Goblet.
Angie won the spectrespecs so we all had to get pictures to make sure our heads weren't full of wackspurts
It was such a good movie, but now that Harry Potter is over I am so sad. NOOO!!! Oh well, it went out with a bang and we now have wonderful memories of a wonderful week!
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