Then we tackled the narrows. It is these two slabs of rock that have come together with just barely enough room to squeeze through, and I mean barely. Look how squished in we are!
Poor Dexter got way scared about half way through and decided he was done. To bad kiddo you passed the point of no return and if you want out then you have to get to the other side. So Angie grabbed on hand and i grabbed the other and we dragged him the rest of the way. I felt like I was kidnapping some poor kid. Dexter went limp legged and was scraping and bashing himself all over the narrow space. It was one of the saddest things I have had to do but the way that place is set up you have to go through after a certain point.
The view from the bottom.
Jude and Ollie took off and did fine.
Suck it in! SQUEEEZEEE!!!
About here is the point of no return.
Although there are little places where the rocks open and you can take brakes and photos!
After we got through the narrows we stopped for lunch and the big boys showed us their strength and the little boys showed us their jumping skills.
We had such a good time!!!
1 comment:
That was so much fun! Well, with the exception of us dragging my limp 2 year old through a narrow space of jagged rocks! It was the worst thing ever to do. And I'm so glad you thought to bring food because I totally spaced it!
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