Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Good idea, Bad idea?

So I was struck by and idea. Be it genius or madness I don't know but Jude had a great time. It was almost dinner time but it was still about 20 minutes away so I sat Jude up in his high chair with a poptart to tide him over. The pop tart had sprinkles all over it and Jude was having a great time drawing pictures on his tray with the fall off. It reminded me of an activity that my mom used to do with me. She would spray shaving cream all over a table and let us just make a mess. I wasn't as brave to let Jude do it on a table but I set him up on his high chair and he had a great time. But messy it was, so much to the point that I just hefted the entire highchair into the shower. Jude also thought that this was just the funniest thing. It was very messy and crazy but once it was all over and done with everyone had a lot of fun.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Good idea! He loved it and it's so good for development to do these kind of mess making activities (eventhough it's not as fun for us moms to clean up). You hefted the highchair? By yourself? Aren't you 8 months pregnant? :)