Monday, January 16, 2012

No pictures today just two really cute stories that I don't want to forget. First off, it was dinner time and I decided to play a joke on Jude. I got his dinner all ready but then I hid it and got another plate full of just spinach. I set my yummy dinner down, then Derek's yummy dinner down. I gave Alice her dinner and then I set Jude's spinach only plate down and immediatley he starts crying. It was so funny and I wish I had a video camera. I might have to re-stage it. HA HA HA!

Next, Jude had been super curious about the stars. He always asks what they are and we simply stated "Stars." Well today we were on our way out for a late night errand and Jude sees the stars. He looks as his daddy and asks "Can I go have that star?" I lifted him up as high as I could and let him reach. Then he looked down at me and said "Can I go fly in plane and get that star." it was so cute!!!! CUTE CUTE!! Later on when we were getting out of the car he asked if he could reach again. So I lifted him up and let him reach for the star and he says "I want up that yummy star." What an adorable little boy. It was such a sweet moment. I wish I could pensieve it up into a little bottle and revisit it over and over.

1 comment:

Rob O said...

I sure love that little boy!