She had such a good time and we are going to be making lots of trips this summer to the splash pad!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
BEST BIRTHDAY EVER! I am now 25, a whole quarter of a century, and my sweet husband made sure that this landmark occasion didn't go by without a little fuss. He got me and he got me good, I never saw it coming. He very sweetly told me that he was getting up with Alice and that I was to just relax and sleep. That in itself is an awesome present but after he finished feeding Alice at 2 in the morning he stayed up till 4 in the morning with over 1000 feet of streamers and caution tape and covered the living room in a labaryinth of crisscrossing tape. I couldn't believe my eyes! Then he went one step further and hid my presents in it all. I had to crawl and search all over and it was such a treat. Such a grand gesture and it made my 25th birthday one to remember! Later that night we had super yummy pizza and got to eat super scrumptious from scratch cake at Angies house(I forgot my camera. So mad at myself) with whipped cream frosting and berries. it was so good. Then I got to watch cute internet videos and eat my weight in delicous pomegranite sorbet. Best birthday ever!

We have toys, balls, stuffed animals, a back yard, a dog, rattles, books, and all sorts of fun things to keep occupied with but what does Alice prefer above all those things? Trash! She adores bottles, bags, paper, wrappers, she just loves it. I think she loves the noises it makes. Well today the funny girl was trying to climb up my recycling bin and ended up pulling it down on top of herself. Did she cry? No, she very contently played with all the papers that had ended up on her lap. I took this picture and she didn't start complaining for another 10 minutes. She is so silly and such a princess, she is going to just do what she wants.
Happy disco daddy day!!! Jude has for some reason given Derek the name Disco daddy, I think it is actually supposed to be a form of "this go daddy" but it sounds like dosco daddy and it is so cute. Derek LOVES bacon, so I thought I would get him a gag/intriguing fathers day present. He got chocolate covered bacon! Angie and I made it and it looked really cute as a matter of fact. We crumbled the bcaon and melted down the chocolate and put it all into little heart molds. It turned out really adorable. And it wasn't that bad. It was the saltyness of a chocolate pretzel only much more intense. The kids loved it and everyone had at leastone heart. It was a really funny way to tell our men folk that we adore them and are so greatful for all the hardowrk they put into our families. We love our daddies!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Having a yard is fantastic. It was much work and much time and much money and it was worth it all! My kids have a safe place where they can play as free as they want. We have sprinkler parties, throw balls, chase games, blow bubbles, draw with chalk, and have all sorts of fun. Jude just loves to wander around in the morning which is nice for mw when I am trying to catch up on house work. A lot of the time Jude just wants me to be there. He doesn't want me to be involved in what he is doing though so i can sit there and read or relax with Alice while Jude gets all his outside energy taken care of. It is so wonderful! here is a cute video of Duckets trying to get Alice to play with him and Jude just loving it!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
So it happens to be international picnic day this last Saturday! We had such a good time going to a splash pad slash park combo. Angie and I made a wonderus brunch picnic that not a single kid would look at because there was too much fun to be had. All of the kids couldn't wait to get wet. It was sofun to watch them run and play. While the boys played us girls couldn't resist going to an open house across the street. We had such a good time playing house and deciding what we would do with our homes, once we have them. We had a grand time. International picnic day done right!

Sunday, June 12, 2011
Kids can be so silly. Alice and Jude were taking a bath and Jude felt that everyone needed to have numbers on their heads. It was the dress code for this evenings bath time. Anytime Alice would move and her numbers would fall off Jude made sure to help her out and get the numbers back up. Funny kids, Funny games.

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