Sunday, February 27, 2011
What am I thinking! I forgot to post the coolest post ever. Angie and I were on our parade of home circut when we found the coolest thing ever. Probably one of the highlights of the trip. The biggest, meanest, toughest, bad arseist, chainsaw in the universe. And we are standing by it so we are tough by association. Yup, that how that works.
My little Jude man is getting to be such a big boy! We have been working on getting Jude ready for a big boy bed foe awhile now and Jude thought tonight was the night. We had planned to wait one more week but for one reason or another Jude thought he would give it a go. He was such a dream to, he crawled into bed with all his friends and I read him his stories and sang him his song and then I left. He cried for about 2 minutes and then he went to sleep. He looked so cute!
I went in to check on him before I went to bed and I found Jude on the other side of his bedroom. It wasn't like he fell out, he had gotten out. I thought that was strange but I just picked him up and put him in his bed.
When I got up with Alice early that morning I checked on Jude again and there he was back on the floor. Crazy kid has something against being comfortable. We are going to switch matresses and see if that makes it better. But I picked him up and put him back in his bed. He didn't come out of the room until morning and I think that was what sealed the deal. That he was in control of when he could come out. Thats the perks of being a big boy.
And Alice got to have the crib which I was so glad for her to have. She is miss tall and had no space in her bassinet. She had about two inches of wiggle room and would always scoot down so she couldn't even move. So I'm so glad she has space now. 
ALICE IS BLUE!!! We set her down on a pillow and her bald little head picked up the color. The picture doesn't capture the blueness like it really was. It was so blue and it was so funny.We couldn't get it to come off either. We spent our sunday, church and all, with a smurf headed daughter. It was pretty funny and I'm sure it will come off eventually...I hope.8)

This past week Angie and I had so much fun going to parade of homes. We saw some really neat things and got some great ideas for our home wish list. We both decided that bathrooms should be the most luxurious place in the house, that kitchen islands were so neccesary, and that we need as much light as we can coming into our hoom. One of the coolest things I saw was a shower that you could seal off to become a sauna and you could adjust the water temperature to the degree. We had so much fun and ultimatley we decided that we are simple women and while all the frill and fuss of a 4.3 million dollar house might be nice to look at there is no way we would ever want to deal withthat much space and that much cleaning.

We even took Jude and Ollie for one of the houses. They had so much fun and were pretty well behaved for little kids. We did let them play a little bit because the house was basically empty. They didn't hurt anything and had a great time, so no harm done.

There was one moment where Jude refused to listen and so he ended up in a time out. The most luxurious time out ever in a walk in closet in a gated community. I was kind of glad that he got to see that mom's rules go where ever he goes and that I'm not afraid to enforce them in public. Afterall there is no shortage of corners in the world.

We even took Jude and Ollie for one of the houses. They had so much fun and were pretty well behaved for little kids. We did let them play a little bit because the house was basically empty. They didn't hurt anything and had a great time, so no harm done.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
We went in for Alice's 4 month check up and found out a really funny trick. The doctor was checking out her hip rotation and Alice started laughing. She is a super smiley girl but the laugh has always evaded us until now. We have a sure fire way to get her to laugh and it is a just as cute as anything ever.
Alice is getting to be so grown up. Today I set her down for her tummy time and within the first 15 seconds she had rolled over. And you know how some babies will roll over and then look all surprised like it was some type of accident? Well not this one, ,she did it very delibratly, and then continued to do it. We would set her down and BAM, she was flipped. She was so quick that I had to have Derek hold her down so I could get a picture. I guess our reign of tummy time terror is at an end.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Nothing like the bond between a kid and their dog and it looks like Duckets is already trying to forge one with Alice. Alice had conked out on the couch and Duckets hopped up to steal him some cuddle time. Jude already loves Duckets so much and play with him all the time and I know Alice is going to love having him around to. I'm so glad that my kiddos have a live in best friend.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Jude also got a bag of balls for his birthday. He adored it. His first order of buisness was to dump the balls, of course it was. But then he was putting them back in the pool and just froliving with them. he had such a good time. We thought that we would see what Alice thought but as soon as we put her in we had to rescue her because Jude decided that he was going to jump in with her. Cutie Patooties!

Alice is such a big girl! The day after Jude's birthday was Alice's 4 month olds. She is getting to be so big. She has discovered that her hands are for holding things. Her most favorite are her toes. She will just hang on to them and grab.

She also thinks she needs to grab her bottle when she is eating. The funny thing is that she will try to grab it and end up knocking it out of her mouth and then she will get frustrated with me. What a goofy girl.
Happy Birthday! My little man is two years old! I started the day off with settin gup a play tent before Jude even woke up. I was worried that maybe he wouldn't like it but he saw it and dived in head first! He played and played and loved it! 
Then we made his birthday cake, he helped me stir it up, he kept trying to eat it but I wouldn't let him just yet. My mom called in the middle of our cake making and I pulled him away from the cake, and boy did he object. After the cake was in the oven I just let him go. I mean what kind of mother would I be if I didn't let him lick the bowl. The cake ended up looking so great. It was kermit since his favorite show is muppets.

We invited everyone over for birthday cake and icecream and we had such a good time. Jude blew out his candles all by himself. We were all so suprised!
Then we did presents and watched videos off when Jude was a baby. The kids were just glued to the TV. All in all we had such a fun birthday! Happy Birthday my beautiful boy!
Here is Jude blowing out his candles.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Suprise bubble bath. And I say it was a suprise because I wasn't planning on it. I am filling up the tub and I go to fetch Alice, when I come back there are all these bubbles. Jude's shampoo didn't get closed and spilt all over the bottom of the tub so that is where all the bubbles came from. Alice still hasn't figured out her opinion of baths and so this doesn't help but to complicate matters but I've made up my mind. Alice + bubbles= one cute baby girl!
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