Sunday, August 26, 2012

First day of preschool! Oh my goodness I was so nervous the day before. I couldn't even tell you why but I was having a hard time sleeping. We had been telling Jude about going to preschool and every day for the last week he would ask us. "Is it time for preschool tomorrow?" and we would say "No it's not today, but soon." And the day I finally got to tell him yes, oh I got butterflies. When we woke up on the day it was preschool the first thing Jude did was get his backpack. Still in his Pjs with 2 hours till it's time to leave and he is ready to go.  After that two hours was up and it was time to head out the door Jude RAN the whole way to the preschool. We had to keep calling him back but then he would just run off again. When we got to school hejust walked right in and made himself at home. The teacher had a little cheklist for the parents to help with and then it was time for us to go.  I was really sad that I wouldn't get to see all the things he was doing. I wanted to take pictures of him all day. He is just so big and grown up. I can't take it all in. But the time I get with just Alice is little so I am going to make it special mommy and me time so this should be good for everyone.  MY BIG BOY! 

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