Tuesday, June 19, 2012

AH!! Our car!! It got shot! Derek and I came home from a afternoon at the splashpad and there were 2 kids in our yard shooting guns at cardboard boxes. Derek went over and asked them if they could do it somewhere else, on the condition that we have small kids and dogs and things we don't want getting ruined. Well later that night I went to the store to buy milk and I saw the crack but at night the crack looked like water droplettes. I figured that the sprinklers had just come on or something. I start driving the car and I hear all this creaking. I am looking around trying to find the sourse of the creaking and then I realize...my window isn't wet...IT'S BROKEN!! and there is a very obvious little bullet hole. I drove back home and searched the car and even found the BB that did it. I called the insurance and luckily they will handle it all.  Bt it has already been two weeks and the glass repair man is having a really hard time finding a replacement. It stinks big time.

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