Friday, November 4, 2011

We had SUCH a fun halloween!! I was so so so excited for this year cause it was the first time I was going to go trick or treating with my kids. Everyone dressed up which made it even more fun. Jude was a pilot, Alice and I were ballerinas, and Derek was a cast away. Our best friends the Bowles came along for the party to and they were dressed up so fun. Oliver was a purple crayon, Dexter was a blue crayon, Angie was a renaissance maiden, and Brian was a bear. Everyone looked so festive and off we went. First we went to the library where they were having a carnival. There were games, trick or treating, and even a haunted house. The kids got to fish, bowl, and do a miriade of throwing games. When it started to get dark off we went for trick or treating. The boys quickly caught on to it and began running from house to house. They each must have fallen 5 times in their haste to get more candy. Very successful, very very successful.
Then we went to Tati's house to show off our costumes and do some close up shots. We all look so cute. Happy Halloween!

Alice looked so cute as a ballerina, and I loved being buried in poof!

I thought Derek's costume as a cast away was so good. He even put on makeup to make it look like he had cuts and dirt on him. And he got a fishing spear complete with felt fishies. Unfortunately he kept getting complimented on his "moses" costume.

And Jude loved being a pilot. And I made the hat! I was so proud of myself and it ended up looking so good!

1 comment:

Angie said...

So much fun!! We loved it, too.