Saturday, November 26, 2011
We buried Derek and he made a very dramatic breakout. So awesome!
Then Derek started screaming "I am having the time of my life!" to which the other kids started copying.
Then we started cart wheeling all around! Well I tried to cart wheel, can't quite do it as well as those Olivers.
And I also can't jump, just for the record.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
I come around the corner to check on Jude and not only is he covered in paint but he has snagged some candy off the counter. I say "Jude what are you doing?!?!?" he turns around looks at me and with panic in his eyes, reaches out his hand and says "I was getting for you." I started laughing and laughing and laughing. I had to leave the room. It was straight out of a Bill Cosby sketch and was even funnier in real life. Cheeky little thing.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Then we went to Tati's house to show off our costumes and do some close up shots. We all look so cute. Happy Halloween!
Angie and I were frustrated with all the tacky Halloween shirt options that they had for boys so we set out to make our own cute halloween shirts. We picked up some white tshirts tie dyed them orange and then drew pumpkins on the tyedye part. It was so much fun and it ended up being so cute. We gave each of the boys a chop stick and told them they had to stir the "shirt soup." The boys were so excited to wear them. Angie and I even made one so that we could all be matchy. It was so much fun!