Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Alice got an adorable little moby wrap. It took us awhile to figure it out but we think Alice really likes it. We get her warm and snuggy and she gets close to our chest. It is so much nicer to carry her around in this then in her car seat(at stores and stuff), and she falls right asleep. It is so cute to have her nice and close. Here are some pictures of Derek being a super daddy and test driving the Moby!(That's right, he did it before me!)
We got a wonderful play mat for Alice for Christmas(Thanks Dad and Rose!) which is perfect because it is just about tummy time...time. We set her on her tummy and with camera ready waited for the crying protest too begin. We laid down beside her to cheer her on and all we got(at first) were smiles. She was lifting her head like a champ and loving the attention. After about 3 minutes was when she started to think tummy time wasn't so fun and started to fuss. We left her there for another 3 minutes until she got really mad, then we rescued her. Good job Alice, we are so proud of you!
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Jude, my mom, and I went to go do some shopping and while we were at the store Jude met a cute little girl named Maya. She was about 3 years old and she and Jude were just talking away like they were the best of buds. Maya was eating some cheetos started sharing some with Jude, the thing is they were Red Hot Cheetos and those suckers are spicy!! I stood by and let Jude have one and he was so funny. First he tries to give it back, then he decides that he needs to finish it, by the end he was red eyed and tearing up. Maya's Dad took pity on Jude and gave him some gummy snacks to help the burn. Jude had everyone laughing so hard. Even random passerbys were stopping to watch the spectacle. I didn't get my camera out till the end but it was some funny stuff.
Alice is turning into such a talker girl. She was just laying in her bed early morning and just gabbing away. I asked Derek to get the camera and she stops. Of course she does that's what kids do, stop as soon as any type of memory recorder is whipped out. Any way this video is so super cute, it's kinda grainy because when Derek recorded it it was early in the morning and it was super dark. I went into a photo editor and lightened it up enough that you can see all the cute. Love that Ali-boo-bear!