Sunday, October 31, 2010

Let's add zippers to the things that Jude has figured out. I come in one day to retrieve Jude from his nap time and he is standing very proud and 1/2 undressed in his crib. He is very interested in unzipping zippers and now we have to saftey pin his clothing shut so he isn't pulling it off his body. What a goof.
We had a fantastic Halloween this year. Derek and I decided that Jude was still to young to really enjoy trick or treating so we made other plans instead. We went over to my mom's house for dinner and pumpkin carving. I was expecting Jude to really get excited about to messy pumpkin glop and I had full intentions to let him get as messy as he wanted to but he took one look inside his pumpkin and said "yucky" and that was it. He had more fun chasing around the cats. But our carvings turned out great and everyone involved had a fabulous time.

Jude isn't particuarly doing anything in this video. I just wanted to see him running around in his tiger costume looking so cute!

Friday, October 29, 2010

I coulda killed the kid! I come out of the room after taking care of Alice and there is pen all over my couch! But I kept my cool and the punishment was limited to a time out. I went on the internet and found that nail polish remover is great for getting out pen from fabrics so I was able to get it off the couch. The child shall live another day. But now that one spot of the couch is all cleaned, it is making the rest of it look all dirty. Ugh...I really want some couch covers, then I can just throw it into the wash.

Yesterday Jude and I went to a carnival that my moms school was having and we had a great time. There was bouncy houses, carousel swings, face painting, a petting zoo, a kiddie train, and all sorts of fun things to do.
There was also a haunted house. After the carnival was closed and all the "monsters" were gone and the lights were turned on we took Jude through it thinking it would be more his speed since almost all the scary stuff was gone. He was still very unsure and scared. He would go look at something and then come running back to get picked up.We will have to skip any haunted houses this halloween.This pictures just cracks me up. I know Jude can't read but he is so blatantly ignoring the sign that it is funny.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Here is more cute pictures of Alice! She had her two week appointment and she has already grown and inch and gained 5 ounces. Time is going by so fast!
Jude was getting cabin fever and it was only 10 o'clock in the morning. So I took Jude out to the park to get out some of the wiggles. We went on the swing, which is Jude's favorite, the slide, which was pretty big but he did it all by himself, and we had a great time. It was really nice to get to spend some time just him and I.

We were at the park playing and having a great time. There was a wierd tunnel system with one going over the other and poor Jude got stuck. Watch and laugh.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Jan and Derek are trying to make the bed but with Duckets and Jude being their assistant bed makers things aren't going to smoothly.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Happy one week day Alice! Go ahead and get some hugs from big brother!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Since she still has her umbilical cord scabby we can't give Alice a full bath and we have to do little towel baths. It started out Ok. I layed out a towel and got the water nice and warm. I started with her legs and at first she was really liking it. Then the warm wet places started getting cold and she lost it! She got so upset and was screaming like we have never heard before.

I tried to be quick and keep her as comfratable as possible. This baby girl is all about being warm and snuggy. Once we got her dry and wrapped she stopped crying immediatley and was our happy sweet Alice again.

We have been so tired, what with new baby and all. Derek was getting some milk(that we had thanks to Angie who saved our stomachs since I was on my way to fill my empty fridge when I went into labor and she filled it for us. My hero!)out of the fridge and just dropped it. The lid was on but the whole gallon jug just cracked and milk went everywhere. HAHA Poor tired daddy.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

She's here! She's here! She's here! She was born at 1:49 PM, at 8 pounds 1 ounce. She is just cute as can be and we are so happy that we have her.World, meet Alice Ann Oliver.
I went into labor at about 7:00 in the morning but I thought it was a false alarm so I didn't call anyone. Just to be safe I measured the contractions and they were 4 minutes apart. Derek called and when I told him he rushed home. I still had the idea that it was a false labor and I wanted to go grocery shopping but Derek made me go to the hospital just to be safe and it's a good thing he did. The doctors checked me and I was most definetley in labor and about 2/3 of the way through it to boot. We got me all set up with wires and Ivs and before we knew what was going on it was time have a baby.

We were all so excited to see her and to see what she looked like but none of us expected her to be the color she was. Purple! And I mean purple. The cord was wrapped around her throat twice, and it turned her into a plum. Bells started going off and all these people ran into the room to take care of her. It was the scarriest thing I have ever had to experience. Thankfully the wonderful staff of the hospital was well prepared and they took care off our little girl and within 5 minutes she was back in our arms.
Jude has been pretty indiffrent towards his new sister. He will come and look at her, maybe even touch her hand but overall he thinks she is pretty boring. He doesn't seem to mind when one of us hold him, so he isn't getting jealous. I'm sure it is because of stress and worry but he has reverted a bit and is doing things he knows he shouldn't. But he isn't taking out any anger on Alice so we will just love him and reassure him everything is Ok and we will find our stride again.

Here is a cute video of our baby girl in action at about 4 days old. We are trying to wake her up so she will eat but she is just so sleepy.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

So Derek, Jude and I had a grand time the other night out at Red Robin. We invited Jan and had such a good time eating, talking, and playing. After that Jan was nice enough to watch Jude while Derek and I caught up on some errands. We went and picked Jude up and were on our way home when we hear a styrofoam squeaking noise. We look back and Jude has some how gotten a hold of our leftovers and was just chowing down. We have no idea how he got it cause it wasn't even anywhere close to him. Jude just has super powers i guess, especially when it comes to food.

It was a wonderful conference morning and it is a tradition in The Oliver family to have yummy home made cinnamon rolls. There is a lot of hands-on when it comes to cinnamon rolls and the kids couldn't resist "helping." Jude came in towards the end to assist with the cutting(don't worry, it's only a butter knife) He got one little chunk off and began to eat it and that was the extent of his help. They ended up looking really good but Derek and I passed as the messy "helping" of our assistant chefs hands made us a little nervous. But the fact that they had a good time was well worth it. Kids need to be kids and get messy!

Here is me pestering Duckets while he naps. hehe, such a good dog!