Sunday, October 31, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
We were at the park playing and having a great time. There was a wierd tunnel system with one going over the other and poor Jude got stuck. Watch and laugh.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
I went into labor at about 7:00 in the morning but I thought it was a false alarm so I didn't call anyone. Just to be safe I measured the contractions and they were 4 minutes apart. Derek called and when I told him he rushed home. I still had the idea that it was a false labor and I wanted to go grocery shopping but Derek made me go to the hospital just to be safe and it's a good thing he did. The doctors checked me and I was most definetley in labor and about 2/3 of the way through it to boot. We got me all set up with wires and Ivs and before we knew what was going on it was time have a baby.
We were all so excited to see her and to see what she looked like but none of us expected her to be the color she was. Purple! And I mean purple. The cord was wrapped around her throat twice, and it turned her into a plum. Bells started going off and all these people ran into the room to take care of her. It was the scarriest thing I have ever had to experience. Thankfully the wonderful staff of the hospital was well prepared and they took care off our little girl and within 5 minutes she was back in our arms.
Jude has been pretty indiffrent towards his new sister. He will come and look at her, maybe even touch her hand but overall he thinks she is pretty boring. He doesn't seem to mind when one of us hold him, so he isn't getting jealous. I'm sure it is because of stress and worry but he has reverted a bit and is doing things he knows he shouldn't. But he isn't taking out any anger on Alice so we will just love him and reassure him everything is Ok and we will find our stride again.
Here is a cute video of our baby girl in action at about 4 days old. We are trying to wake her up so she will eat but she is just so sleepy.