Thursday, November 29, 2012

UGH!!!!! I am so irritated. My blog has reached it maximum number of posts and now it wont let me do anymore. So I am having to do a wierd round about sort of blogging. I am going to start doing it under my husbands account since he never uses his. But now everything is different. They updated it all and I am to lazy and stuck in my ways to try to relearn anything. So it isn't going to be pretty and cutsey like last time. SO here is the address and this will be the last post I make to this  blog. Good bye blog, you have been such a good friend!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

COLOR ME RAD! Holy cow, holy woah, Holy Rad. This is the color me rad run. It is a 5k run, you wear all white, and as the run goes on people pelt you with colors the whole way. By the end of the run your whites are a rainbow. And nothing is offlimits. We were getting it in our hair, faces, backs, legs, everywhere.  We were spitting rainbows. But it was so worth it. There was such a excited spirit going in the air. Everyone was happy to be there and ready to play. It was Brian, Andrea, my Dad and I and we ran the whole way! I am so proud that we ran the whole way! We are totally going to do this next year and every year that they come. WAHOO!!!

This is just a really cute snap shot of cowboy Jude on the trampoline.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Derek and I have had a child in our bedroom for over 2 years. Alice was born and she stayed with us until about a year. Then she started waking up at night and seeing us and wanting to be with us. It didn't matter if it was 10 at night or 2 in the morning, if she saw us she was up for the day. So naturally room switching was in order. We tried moving Alice and Jude into the same room but that didn't work either. Jude was a little binky theif and would steal her binky at all hours of the night, waking her up. So that didn't work either. We tried moving Jude into our room and that worked really well. He was excited to be having a sleepover with Mom and Dad, and Alice was able to sleep uninteruptted. Jude has been our room mate for about a year now. Alice just turned two and no longer has a sippy or a binky. Nothing to steal. We figured it was time to try both kids in the same room again. We usually ease on into these things but tonight we just went for it. We moved Judes bed (which he wasn't happy with at first) into Alice's room.  We tried to make it as much of a party as we could and Jude turned around. He was getting excited. But Alice was a tough customer, she wanted the room to herself and kept asking Jude to leave. When it finally came time to turn off the ight and shut the door she was very upset. She was crying and crying, but Derek and I were going to give it a couple days of before we threw inthe towel. We kept hearing "it's ok, ALie don't cry, here" coming from the room. And after about 1/2 an hour Alice calmed down and the room was quiet. About an hour later we went to check on the kids and they were both conked out. Jude had given Alice every book he had access to and a huge stuffed dog. Somehow she had still managed to fall asleep. We fished out all the books, and set both the kids up comfy. I'm glad to say that now they love it. The adore being roomates, I can hear giggles well into the night. I think they are bonding over being "naughty" mom and dad say it's time for bed, but they are still up laughing and playing. Derek and I have decided that as long as they are in that room and no one is crying that they can do just about anything they want. We are just glad, after two years, to have our room back.

Fall-shmall! Sure it's November but I don't think Saint George knows that yet. The mornings are quite chilly but by the afternoon the temperture rises up into the 80s or more. The kids were complaining that it was hot and they wanted to go to the pool. They kept asking for the pool and the pool and the pool. Our pool has been closed since september. So it was time to improvise.  I brought out a couple of tupperware bins and filled them up with water. The kids went nuts. In and out and all about they were. Then I kept adding elements. I added bowls, cups, and spoons. Then a little while later I added balls, and then awhile later I dyed the water with our color tablets. They had such a grand time and were at it for almost the whole afternoon.

Our ward had a super fun time Halloween party, and super fun it was. Every one was dressed up so fun. We went with a cowboy indian theme and got lots of compliments. How could we not with kiddos so cute.  We did a cupcake walk that the kids didn't really understand but figured they could hop on board when they heard that cupcakes were involved. After cupcakes we ate some yummy chilli and then did ome trunk or treating, or is it trick or trunking? Whatever it was there were tons of candy and the kids were going cuckoorunning from one car to another. Happy pre-Halloween!!